So how to become a Migrant Golfer? First of all we have to set one thing straight: We’re not talking about just becoming a snow bird here. That’s not at all what a migrant golfer is about.
To a migrant golfer the golf is everything. And if it happens to be to migrate to a place where the weather is better and warmer and more comfy then home, that’s a bonus. In other words, to be a snow bird, you have to go to a warm place. To become a migrant golfer, you can choose any place where it’s possible to play golf all year round.
I even know golfers that have migrated to the Southern part of Sweden! Because the golf is great, and you can (basically) play all year. But it is definitely not making you a snow bird.
I’m not claiming this to be the one and true definition of a migrant golfer. It is entirely my definition. And this is my blog. Easy as that.

YOU KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT: Here Humewood’s club house as seen from the second green. (Photo: The Migrant Golfer)
The rules for becoming a migrant golfer:
Golf, golf and golf: To become a migrant golfer, the golf is the main consideration. And if not the only thing, at least the most important. It was that path that lead Yours Sincerely to ideas about migrating to the Home of Golf (to mortals known as the town of St Andrews in the Kingdom of Fife, Scotland). Or to Ballyliffin in Ireland or Nairn in the Scottish Highlands.That said; I do have a wife.
Take your time: There are more than 30.000 golf courses in the world. And (at least) one of them is meant for you. It’s like finding true love. You know that person is out there. The challenge is: How cool do you dear to be before you finally decide to settle down with her/him?
You know it when you see it: Like I said, I had all kinds of ideas when it came to migrating. But, like you know by now: I also do have a wife. So we decided on a place in the Southern part of Spain: Costa del Sol. The golf course looked great, the houses nice. A few months later, however, I walked down the first fairway at Humewood Golf Club in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Before hitting my second shot on the opening par-4, I turned around and saw the club house in the morning light. And I knew this was the place.
I am of course aware that it might not be the right golf club for you, we’re all different. But to me, Humewood is everything and has everything. Including the approval of my wife (who is also a member).
Use your club: When you migrate, you haven’t found a course to play, but a club to join. Play in the club competitions. Go to the bar for drinks or lunch even on days when your golf clubs are tucked away back home. Get to know the club, and let the club get to know you.
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