In this edition of The Tour of Ireland Project, Torsten Pamp discovers a hidden gem just west of Sligo, at the cape at Strandhill.
One hour south and north from Sligo two additional masterpieces awaits you: In the south the renowned Enniscrone in a dramatic dunes landscape while Donegal is situated in a green lunar landscape at the end of a cape.
However, the hidden gem, golf wise, is located just outside Sligo. Strandhill is not featured in the leading golf guides. With a giant sand dune as a backdrop and surrounded by water, 18 very fun and varied holes is found.

Strandhill is located just outside Sligo, but is not featured in any of the leading golf guide books. It should; it’s truly a hidden gem.
The course offers everything from naturally made mogul sloped fairways to a couple of holes along the beach.
You play from tees on top of the dunes, and hit approaches to completely embedded greens. Par 69 might not sound that attractive, but the course proves to be quite delicious.
Next stop: PGA National —beer town and PGA-luxury
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Från stranden till puckelpist
En timmes väg från Sligo ligger ytterligare två storbanor, söderut prisabelönta Enniscrone i mer dramatiskt dynlandskap och norrut Donegal – ännu ett grönt månlandskap längst ut på ett näs.
Men överraskningen ligger precis utanför Sligo – Strandhill hittar vi inte i den stora golfguiden. Men med en jättelik sanddyn som fond och omgiven av vatten ligger 18 mycket roliga och omväxlande hål.

18 very fun and varied holes is found with a giant sand dune as a backdrop and surrounded by seawater.
Vi bjuds på allt från liggande puckelpist till par spel längs stranden, utslag från dyntoppar till inspel till helt inbäddad green. Par 69 kanske inte låter så lockande, men banan visar sig vara alldeles utsökt.
Next stop: PGA National — ölstad och PGA-lyx